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We are a team of teachers organized by Nancy Buono, BFCP, Director 
and founder of Bach Flower Education, Living Enrichment. 

Each one of our teachers takes their own enrollments independently. Click one of the links below for enrollment.



Courses taught by Nancy Buono (BFCP, Director of Education)

Nancy offers the Fundamentals (Tier 1) online Program, Advanced Studies Tier 2, Mindful Consulting (Tier 3) and Practitioner Certification Tier 4  online

plus any special topics courses


Distance Learning for Tier 1


Advanced Studies - Level 2 - live and interactive online



Mindful Consulting - Tier 3 - live and interactive online


Apply for Practitioner Certification at the Institute  



Courses taught by our Bach Flower Institute teaching team

North America - Use the Course Locator to find a Bach Basics, Fundamentals Tier 1,  or Advanced Studies Tier 2 Course being offered by one of our independent teachers or see our events calendar on Facebook

New Zealand - Contact our New Zealand teacher 


Greece - Contact our teacher in Greece



Flower essence certification
Copyright 2005-2020, Bach Flower Education, Living Enrichment, all rights reserved  
Artwork of flowers copyright Bach Flower Education Living Enrichment

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