"So long as our Souls and personalities are in harmony,
all is joy and peace, happiness and health"
Dr Edward Bach
How to get started - from personal use to helping others to flower essence practitioner certification, our flower remedy programs are here to support you!

The first step always starts with us, then reaches out to our friends and family.
We learn new concepts. We observe ourselves.
We embark on a journey of personal growth and development.

The next step requires thought and contemplation. We study in depth.
We consider how to take responsibility for our health, happiness and peace of mind.
We observe ourselves. We strengthen our inner connection.

To help others we must become mindful of ourselves.
We remove our blockages and learn to listen from the heart.

To become a Bach Flower Certified Practitioner (BFCP) and join the Bach Flower Practitioner Alliance
All courses available online! Class sizes will be limited. Enroll today.

Find FAQs on our courses here
Additional course offerings to meet your unique interests
Bach Flower Basics
For those who would like to take a live class but don't have a Tier 1 nearby or those would you like to know more about the Bach Flower Remedies, but are not ready to commit to a Tier 1 course, the Bach Flower Basics is for you!
Taught by specially trained Bach Flower Practitioners, this one day course will give you all the Basics so you can begin using the remedies for yourself, friends and family.
An added bonus is that if you would like to continue your studies and achieve Tier 1 certification, a special online Validation Program is available. Only Bach Basics students may attend this online certification course to receive a Tier 1 certificate.

This course greatly expands the information provided in the human programs and provides a solid foundation to the key principles to employ when working with pets.
Minimum prerequisite: Tier 1
Tier 1 teacher training is open to Bach Flower Practitioners in North America.
Can't find a Tier 1 Course near your? Email us
Explore the Calendar of Bach flower programs in the US and Canada (including Bach Flower Basics and BFRP talks)