Introductory Program on the Bach Flower Remedies
Level 1 - Planting the Seeds
Our emotions impact our well-being. Discover how to convert negative emotions to their positive potentials with the safe and gentle system of Bach flower remedies.
This seminar introduces you to Dr. Bach’s philosophy of self-help and simplicity. The program will give detailed information on all 38 flower remedies, including client case studies, and is recommended for those who wish to use the remedies personally or to integrate them into use with clients. It is a prerequisite to Level 2 and Practitioner Training. This live Level 1 course is offered in numerous locations across North America, and we are now pleased to also be offering it live online. To find courses all courses, please see our online calendar.

Students will:
- Learn the indications and usage for each of the 38 Bach flower remedies
Explore the 90 year worldwide history of Dr Edward Bach's healing system of flower essences
Contemplate Dr Edward Bach's philosophy of true health and wellness
Practice selecting Bach flower remedies for everyday circumstances (from infants to the elderly, even family pets)
Learn the foundational principles of the Bach flower essences via case studies and practical exercises and effectively begin using them for yourself and others. This Level 1 flower essence course is the prerequisite to Level 2 Advanced Studies and Level 3 Practitioner Training.
12.5 CE hrs.
How to Enroll:
- Find a Level 1 course being offered live online or near you using the Course Locator and contact the course teacher directly.
Prerequisites: None
Duration: 2 day seminar
"I found the whole seminar to be excellent.
Loved the Q&A, and the interaction with the group.
Very enlightening."
"Great seminar, super useful,
learned a huge number of things.
I'm already excited about the next level!"