Bach Flower Practitioner Alliance
The Practitioner Promise
We must realise that every being is here to develop his own evolution
according to the dictates of his Soul, and his Soul alone,
and that none of us must do anything
but encourage our brother in that development.
We must help him to hope and, if in our power,
increase his knowledge and worldly opportunities to gain his advancement.
Dr Edward Bach, Heal Thyself Ch 4

The Practitioner Promise embodies the core principles for ethical and professional practice
with the Bach flower remedies. It is founded in the key tenets of Dr. Bach's philosophy,
to ensure that his simple system is maintained as he wished
'free from science, free from theory, for everything in nature is simple.'
Members of the Bach Flower Practitioner Alliance promise to uphold Dr Bach's simple system of self-help and personal growth and to follow the guidelines for practice set forth within this document.
1. To educate my clients on the simple system of healing using the 38 flower remedies as described by Dr Edward Bach in The Twelve Healers and other Remedies and to facilitate each client's process to be both self-directed and at their own pace, encouraging them to take personal responsibility for their wellness.
2. To provide a welcoming, safe, supportive, and confidential environment for my clients.
3. To listen fully to my clients, with an awareness of the whole person - body, mind, and spirit - making recommendations based upon their perceived emotional states.
4. To not diagnose, prescribe or treat any illness, whether mental or physical, within the scope of my services as a member of the Bach Flower Practitioner Alliance™.
5. To charge fees which are fair and reasonable, and to clearly define fees, policies, and other terms prior to providing any service.
6. To relate to clients in a manner consistent with accepted ethical standards, maintaining appropriate practitioner - client boundaries.
7. To practice tolerance and acceptance, respecting the dignity and individuality of each client and recognizing my personal judgments and biases.
8. To closely monitor my own moods and feelings, including any desire to be liked or to achieve status, which could impact clients. To that end, I will make personal use of Dr Bach's system and any other methods to keep these from interfering with the effectiveness of my services.
9. To be aware of my own competencies, and to refer clients to other modalities and/or medical professionals whenever this may be in the best interest of the client or to protect my personal safety.
10. To present Dr Bach's system as a complete healing system, separate from any other modalities which I may practice.
11. To be truthful in public statements, marketing, and advertising, making no false or exaggerated claims or comparisons to other practitioners.
12. To be aware of, and abide by, my local and regional laws, with the understanding that any local laws take precedence over this Promise.
13. To practice the qualities of authenticity and empathy in my professional relationships.
14. To enhance my practitioner skills through learning and continuing education.
15. To commit to a lifelong process of personal growth and development in body, mind, and spirit.